LoRaMesher Library  0.0.5
A LoRa Mesh library for the IoT
LoRa Mesher Library


The LoRaMesher library implements a distance-vector routing protocol for communicating messages among LoRa nodes. For the interaction with the LoRa radio chip, we leverage RadioLib, a versatile communication library which supports the SX127X LoRa series module available on the hardware we used, among others.


You can check library.json for more details. Basically, we use a modded version of RadioLib that supports class methods as callbacks and FreeRTOS for scheduling maintenance tasks.

Currently Supported Protocols

  • Finding nodes using a simple routing protocol
  • Send messages broadcast or to one of the nodes in the routing table
  • Send reliable messages. It is accomplish sending ACK and other configuration packets inside LoRaMesher
  • Send large payloads. Since we cannot send packets larger than 222 bytes, we divide the payload and send reliable messages until is all sent/received

Quick Links

Documentation for most common methods can be found in its reference page.
Configuration of the library in Configure LoRaMesher with PlatformIO and Visual Studio Code.
Some examples of usage of the library in Examples.

Used technologies

See also



Copyright (c) 2022 Joan Miquel Solé